a poem by Muriel Mackie, Freshman Marketing Major
I remember hearing so much more.
I remember what it was like to fall
backwards and down, down, down.
I remember remembering.
Where’s my memory when I need it most?
Where’s my imagination when my fingers twitch.
Where are those things I called precious,
Those things I held exalted,
Those things that were mine?
Please find them, please find them,
Pearls before swine.
How much was my doing,
How much did I break,
How long did I wait until
There was nothing left to save.
Am I still here, a good woman?
A good creature?
Or am I crawling through the dirt
Piecing together a dead girl
With pretty little hands,
Forgetting the life above for squirming things
Squeezing through my fingers
With squelching closeness,
Scads of black mold
Wet and dark and nowhere to sit,
Teeming with lack of life.